Imagine my delight when I discovered that Babypea vonPhoenix, acknowledged as one of the Queens of Dance in Second Life, had been granted one of the LEA sims for 5 months. A group of Second Life's most talented dancers, who call themselves Euphoria, built a sim sized urban metropolis set for a very different kind of dance performance which they will present in the coming weeks.
The audience for these performances will board the Supermetropolis Train which will make stops on its journey around the sim where they will
"arrive just in time to witness justice being served to a dark villain!! Or perhaps, you'll watch in shocked amazement as the villain gets the best of the superhero!! NO!! Say it isn't so!!! You'll have to see for yourselves, ladies and gentlemen!! "
Each choreographer/Superhero built her own set while Chrissy Rhiano, one of the most amazing set designers and builders in Second Life, built the city around each set and in this manner, blended it all together into one uniform, continuous build.
BabypeaVonPhoenix Bikergrrl - Silver Surfer
SexyS Quintessa - Superwoman
Chewie Quixote - Dark Phoenix
Madison Pinelli - Wonder Woman
Chrissy Rhiano - Black Widow
Mytholus - Storm
Jilley - Iron Man
Diiar - Hitgirl
Producer: Chrissy Rhiano
Asst Producer: BabypeaVonPhoenix Bikergrrl
DJ: Gunner VonPhoenix (Masterperry)
The Riddler (Train Conductor/Host): Lat Lovenkraft
Showtimes and Dates below!! Holy Superhero Show Batman!!
Seating is limited so don't be late!!
Saturday October 18th
3pm SLT - Sneak Peek
5pm SLT
Wednesday, October 22nd
5pm SLT
Saturday, October 25th
3pm SLT
5pm SLT
Again your taxi:
I always conclude my posts on this blog with a famous dance quote and today's comes from Babypea herself.
Dance with passion!!!
--Babypea Von Phoenix
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